Web development services since 1995
The name comes from Creating Source code: developing accessible, W3C compliant web applications for over 25 years using the latest technologies in PHP, Perl, Javascript, and HTML/CSS. Read more about me and see code samples with working demos.
Live Demos and Code Samples
The PHP, Javascript/jQuery, and HTML/CSS sections are constantly being updated with live working demos and code samples. Have fun with them!
Development Articles
Find fun discussions on creating accessible navigation links, why I love my IDE, how legacy code has made me a better coder, and other random ramblings in the blog pages. Fair warning, extreme nerdyness ahead.
Code Samples

Examine some code samples with working demos and get a feel for how I work.
I Am a Recovered “Else” Addict

Don't use "else?" HERESY! Here are some good reasons not to.
About CreateSource

A little about who CreateSource is and my work in multiple languages and frameworks.
Createsource Blog

Random articles on how I code, why I code, and (maybe) why you should care.