Createsource Blog

Code to the Natural Document Flow

I’m pretty sure every developer out there will disagree with me on this one. The most common approach when building a web page or template is to add CSS that completely resets the browser’s margins, padding, and natural spacing to zero before adding design CSS. The (largest) argument is that this is the only way read more >> . . .

Why Validation Matters

I validate every page I publish against the W3C Validator. Some of you may call me on that, if I’ve overlooked any pages please do. Many of the developers I’ve worked with hold the position that if the page works, and all devices render it as expected, validation doesn’t matter and is unnecessary. These are read more >> . . .

Down the Rabbit Hole

We’ve all been there. Working with a legacy code base that had overgrown with time, no documentation, thousands of lines of code and you have one simple task, find where a value is set and change it. As you dig through volumes of code, winding your way through the logic and returns that lead you read more >> . . .

PSR’s and Legibility

A few years ago I was working through a large code base, wheedling my way through a 900 line function in a 3,000 line file of legacy procedural code, put my head in my hands in frustration and stared down at the keyboard. Over the years of beating up a code base that was difficult read more >> . . .