Rogue Recreation manages several of the popular Northwest campsites and recreation areas in Southern Oregon. Their web site is another example of an economical solution to an effective web presence.

This simple web site is an earlier work and was revised in 2005 to eliminate most of the tables to bring it to 4.01 specifications without changing the overall design. Tables still exist for tabular data and on one form page. Regular updates include changing the campgrounds open/closed on a seasonal basis and updating various pictures, maps, and the camp fee schedule.


  • Concept: 100%
  • Design: 100%
  • Content: 0%
  • Architecture: 100%
  • Production: 100%

Project: Recreation Web Site

  • Company: Rogue Recreation
  • Synopsis: Static presentational site
  • Completed: 05/09/2001
  • Status: Ongoing


  • HTML, W3C validation, graphic design, graphics, Javascript
  • Approx. Hours: 4.00

Last Modified: 09/21/2008